Community Event Calendar

Jr High Math Competition

Fenwick High School

What is the Fenwick Junior High School Math Contest

Fenwick High School cordially invites your school to participate in the 54th annual Junior High School Math Contest, NO CALCULATORS ALLOWED, to be held on Monday November 4 from 4:20 pm to 6:30 pm (Check-in between 3:45 - 4:15 pm).  

Please register your 10 person team before October 21 using this link. (new form).  Each participant should have its own registration form.  The form can be sent directly to the family/parents to fill out on behalf of their child).

The actual competition will take about an hour to complete.  After the competition there will be a short break with pizza provided (if any student has a dietary restriction please make sure to send them with a snack or food they are able to eat).  Following the break, students will hear presentations from admissions and the math competitions club. Awards will conclude the event.

The participants will be split into two divisions.  The competition will be administered and proctored by Fenwick High School.  The contest consists of three different sections, with increasing difficulty, of written questions covering all topics of junior high school math and will provide a good learning experience for your math students.    

Schools may enter up to 10 sixth, seventh, or eighth grade students to compete.  The competition is designed to be challenging for even top achieving eighth grade students.

Team scores for the school will be based on the total of each school's top three individual scores.  Trophies will be given to the top 4 schools and top 8 individuals in each division.  


We hope that you will give your students this opportunity to compete with students from other schools, especially if we have not seen your school compete in recent years.  Thank you for being a part of the Fenwick Junior High School Math Competition community.

For FAQs about the Fenwick Junior High Math Competition please click here. (new link)
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